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British Pharmacopoeia 2017 Software Free Download

British Pharmacopoeia 2017 Software Free Download

The British Pharmacopoeia

British Pharmacopoeia (BP) 2017 is providing authoritative official standards for pharmaceutical substances and medicinal products. It makes an important contribution to the role of the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency in protecting public health by setting publicly available standards for the quality of medicines.

The British Pharmacopoeia maintains close ties with the work of the European Pharmacopoeia and continues to play a significant role in the standard-setting process in Europe, participating in the activities of the European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines and Healthcare, and influencing the decisions of the European Pharmacopoeia Commission through the UK Delegation. The texts and monographs of the European Pharmacopoeia form an integral part of the British Pharmacopoeia.

Annually updated, the British Pharmacopoeia is the only comprehensive collection of standards for UK medicinal substances. It is essential for all individuals and organisations involved in pharmaceutical research, development, manufacture, quality control and analysis.

You can download British Pharmacopoeia software easily from given bellow link.

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