Production and Process Controls in Pharmaceuticals GMP 2020
There shall be written procedures for
production and process control designed to assure that the drug products have the identity,
strength, quality, and purity they purport or are represented to possess. Such
procedures shall include all requirements in this subpart. These written
procedures, including any changes, shall be drafted,
reviewed, and approved by the
appropriate organizational units and reviewed and approved by the quality control unit.
production and process
control procedures shall be followed
in the execution of the
various production and process control functions and shall be documented at the time of performance. Any deviation from
the written procedures shall be recorded and
With the clear objectives of the current good manufacturing practices (CGMPs), it is perhaps sur- prising
that they needed to include such details that there must be written procedures
since no one
can be expected to remember
everything. Then there is a requirement to follow these written pro- cedures, which seems to state the obvious.
However, the FDA has used these requirements to issue repeated inspection observations as FDA483s and warning
letters, because some organizations do not have procedures that they need, and even if others
do have procedures, they are not followed.
Written standard operating
procedures (SOPs) must provide the reader/operator and executor of the responsible steps
with clear instructions for performing operational activities and also direct the content of documented evidence
that the procedures have been performed. They also provide
a basis for the training
of personnel; see Chapter 4, “Organization and Personnel and Training”. Procedures are an essential part
of quality systems covering all aspects of GMP operations.
The SOP providing detail
on the requirements of SOPs, describes the overall procedural require- ments,
process, and content for the preparation, approval, and revision. It also
includes their dis- tribution and
control, as well as the archiving of all GMP documentation and records within a department, all critical for a robust
quality system. This SOP defines
how to initiate/revise an SOP, provide direction
regarding formatting of documents, defines
who should review
and approve docu-
ments, provides the frequency of routine review (often every two to
three years), and describes the methodology
for issuing and replacement of outdated versions, training, archiving, and
destruc- tion. Documents must be
uniquely identified, including a version number, as appropriate. When a document has been revised, a system must
be in place to prevent the inadvertent use of superseded documents (e.g., only current documentation should be
available). The life cycle of a document (creation,
distribution, use, archiving, and destruction) must be considered when
establishing the control system.
Many companies now use automated, validated documentation systems
that provide a high level of document
control during the review, approval,
and distribution processes. Electronic documentation systems
provide current versions
of SOPs electronically for review
by trained, quali-
fied personnel. Hard-copy printouts are date-stamped and accompanied by
a statement such as “copy only valid
for xx/xx/xx” (that day only). Note that the computerized documentation control systems must be validated and their
qualification carefully and fully documented. Manual or paper systems are also common, and if
planned/executed carefully, the document control system can be effective. Version and distribution
control issues (especially forms and attachments), provide addi- tional challenges when developing a
manual document control system. Various methodologies are used to compensate for tracking documents
via manual systems.
The Document Control
department is responsible for issuing records
and numbered official
copies to identifiable recipients. In a manual documentation control system, the use of logbooks to keep track of the transaction is prevalent. The uncontrolled
copying of distributed SOPs is not permitted, so the copying may be monitored
by printing the document on different colored
paper, so that a photocopy
is obvious. Borders
or unique stamps on the documents is another way of
ensuring that only originals have been distributed and to avoid uncontrolled photocopying. Issuance of a unique number
to forms provides traceability and
accountability, which forms part of document control and is linked to data
integrity (restrict- ing the
unauthorized duplication of documents); see Chapter 24, “Data Integrity and
Fundamental Responsibilities”. Other
areas that must be addressed include the storage of critical records, which must be secure and assembled in a defined
manner, with their access limited to authorized indi- viduals. Documents must be stored in such a way that they can be
easily and efficiently retrieved, especially
during an FDA inspection. The storage location must ensure adequate protection
from loss, destruction, or damage.
Electronic documents and paper records
must be adequately protected against misfiling and loss.
A typical
SOP format includes
sections for the following:
• Purpose
• Scope
• Definitions
Description of the Procedure
• References:
Other Procedures
• Attachments
(forms related to the described
work process)
• Brief Change History
Operational-specific SOPs should be
written by the department and function (e.g., Manufacturing, Packaging, QA) to accurately describe activities and requirements of the task and personnel. Quality systems that
are relevant to multiple departments, for example, investigations, corrective
and pre- ventive action (CAPA),
Change Control, or Annual Product Review require cross-functional SOPs and are usually written by the Quality Unit.
Elements to keep in mind
when designing and implementing effective SOPs include preparing an outline of the task to be performed
before beginning to write the procedure. A list of important steps that relate to the task will provide
a concise and clear summary for the reader. It is important to remember when creating the document that it should
be at a level that is easy to understand and that not everyone may have a clear idea of the process that
is being described. The use of visual tools,
such as process
flow charts, symbols,
and pictures may also help to communicate clear requirements.
Master production and
control records, which define sequential steps for manufacturing and packaging/labeling and their process
parameters, are basically SOPs with places to record param- eters, results, settings, weights, etc. As
with any SOP, the detail provided needs to be sufficient to ensure that the process will be followed
consistently, but not overly complex
as to be incomprehen- sible.
See Chapter 7, “Records and Reports”.
Every employee
engaged in GMP activities must be appropriately trained on all relevant written
procedures according to training
curriculums. See Chapter 4, “Organization
and Personnel”.
Internal quality
audits, headed by the Quality
Unit, support the identification and evaluation of compliance to written procedures. The
report following the summation of the audit provides information pertaining to the scope and purpose
of the audit, a summary
of the observations found, as well as providing an overall audit outcome (good,
satisfactory, action required, or at risk/action
required). An executive summary is included in the audit report as well, as it
is essential that senior management
is aware of the state of compliance of the quality systems/ operations.
External audits, involving
personnel from another firm or facility, add an additional layer to compliance assessments. Included in this category
are regulatory audits,
such as those performed by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
The FDA in its Compliance Policy Guide “FDA Access to Results of Quality Assurance Program
Audits and Inspections (CPG 7151.02)” announced the “FDA will not review or copy reports
and records that result from audits and inspections of the writ-
ten quality assurance program, including audits conducted under 21 CFR
820.22 and written status reports
required by 21 CFR 58.35(b)(4). The intent of the policy is to encourage firms
to conduct quality assurance program
audits and inspections that are candid and meaningful.” In other words, the FDA encourages the use of internal audits,
but it must be kept in mind that in the event of litiga-
tion, requests may be made to
see such records.
Audits, whether
internal or external
in nature, are used to assess compliance in regards to the regulatory requirements of CGMPs. CAPAs are used to manage audit observations to ensure
adequate implementation of changes by a responsible person by a defined date.
Repeated findings of similar
noncompliance issues require immediate action to correct and prevent their reoccurrence. The root cause of a non-conformance can be due to a broad range of issues,
such as deficient procedures, inadequate training, or insufficient
emphasis by management to address a
problem. The root cause needs to be identified so that appropriate CAPAs can be assigned.
Quality assurance should work with the stakeholders to ensure the corrective action
will result in obtaining or restoring systems in a state of control and compliance
with regulatory requirements/expectations.
The requirement that
execution of the various production and process control functions shall be documented at the time of performance has received increasing regulatory authorities’ attention
and observations relating to
data integrity in recent years. The significance of this, although not new to FDA-regulated industries, is described
in depth in Chapter 24, “Data Integrity and Fundamental Responsibilities”.
From time to time, changes
to written procedures are needed and are managed with a document change control process. In order to
ensure that the planned change is suitably reviewed, approved, implemented, and documented by appropriate
personnel, the management of changes must be
adequately controlled. Written procedures detailing the identification,
documentation, appropriate review,
and approval of changes to fulfill regulatory requirements for change reporting
must be in place. A change
coordinator routinely monitors the change to facilitate its movement through
the process in a timely manner.
Unplanned events or a departure from an approved process or procedure is handled as a deviation or a non-conformance, depending on the event’s criticality. A critical deviation represents a significant fail- ure of a quality system and has a high potential to adversely affect the safety, identity, strength, quality, or purity of materials or products.
Immediate action must be taken to isolate a potentially affected process or product involved in a
deviation. An investigation must be undertaken whenever there is a failure to comply with relevant documentation or regulatory requirements. The deviation is evalu- ated using a risk management approach,
as the outcome of the assessment determines the required response as CAPA actions. The root cause must be identified and an assessment made as to whether the deviation is part of a trend. The
Quality Unit will review deviations on an on-going basis, to detect early-stage trends. Unfavorable trends need to be escalated, so that corrective and preventative actions can be put in place to prevent a reoccurrence of the deviation. Adequate time and resources for root cause investigations of deviations, including complaints, must be allocated by management with timely completion and appropriate CAPAs.
Incomplete investigations with inadequate root cause(s) create CAPAs that do not address the problems. Ultimately these problems resurface with significant impact to the quality systems and company with ever-increasing attention from regulatory authorities.
production and control procedures shall include the following, which are
designed to assure that the drug
products produced have the identity, strength, quality, and purity they purport or are
represented to possess.
The batch shall be formulated with the
intent to provide not less than 100% of the labeled or established amount of active
Components for drug product
manufacturing shall be weighed, measured, or subdivided as appropriate. If a component is removed from the original
container to another,
the new container shall be identified
with the following information:
Component name or item code
Receiving or control number
Weight or measure in new container
for which component
was dispensed, including
its product name, strength, and lot
Weighing, measuring, or subdividing
operations for components shall be adequately
supervised. Each container of component dispensed to manufacturing shall
be examined by a second person to
assure that:
Production and Process
Controls 87
The component was released by the quality control unit.
The weight or measure is correct as stated in the batch production records.
The containers are properly identified.
Each component shall be added to the batch by one person
and verified by a second
It is important to clarify that the intent of the statement: “The batch shall be formulated with the intent to provide not less than 100% of the labeled or established amount of active ingredient” does not mean that
it is required to calculate by assay the exact amount of active
ingredient, per batch.
Generally, a batch
is accepted if analytical results
are within specifications, as usually, the results of the assay
do not calculate
to exactly 100% due to inherent errors (measurements in weighing, analytical methodol- ogy).
Some manufacturers may have thought
that formulating a product at 98% would save them 2% of the active pharmaceutical ingredient but still produce a product that passed the specification of 97%
101% of stated amount. A financial incentive not a quality focus. Dispensing is a critical
step in the manufacturing process whereby materials, released by the Quality Unit, are measured and transferred for processing for a specific
batch as defined
in written procedures. Adequate identification of com- ponents
is an essential GMP requirement and the labeling
of component containers needs to provide
sufficient information to ensure traceability. While 211.101(b) specifically requires labeling of new containers, with the component
name, control number,
weight, and batch to which the component
is being dispensed, it is the usual practice
that all dispensed materials are labeled
accordingly. In addi-
tion, while not specified in the regulations, additional information may be added to the label including lot number, dispensing date, and container
number. As part of the dispensing process,
all secondary containers are to be examined before use to assess the absence of foreign particulates and to ensure the integrity of the container. The requirement that “each container of component dispensed to manufac- turing
shall be examined
by a second person” (§211.101
[c]) can be interpreted to mean that a second
person adequately supervises by examining and ensuring that the component has been released by the
Quality Unit, that the weight/measure of the component
matches the batch record requirements and that the component
has been properly identified. This verification by a second
person is needed
when the dispensing process is a manual one. In the case where the use of a validated, automated dispens- ing system is in place, a second operator
check is not required. Refer to 21 CFR 211.68.
Throughout the operation, the materials must be clearly identified, and their status
and location must be recorded. This can be done manually
by maintaining paper documents or entering the information into a mate-
rial management program. Increasingly, data gathering is being
accomplished using bar codes and scanners
and radio frequency (RF) interfaces. The data gathered from these systems can
be entered automatically into the inventory control system while increasing accuracy. The same logic applies to the
need for a second check when verifying components in production. Once again, if
the addition of components is manual, a second human check is required, while the use of a validated automated
system will permit a single
operator to perform
the dispensing operation.
yields and percentages of theoretical yield shall be determined at the
conclusion of each appropriate phase
of manufacturing, processing, packaging, or holding of the drug product. Such calculations shall be performed
by one person and independently verified by a second person.
Theoretical yield defined in Section 210.3(b)(17) is defined as the maximum
quantity that could
be produced, based on the quantities of components assigned to a batch,
in the absence of any loss or error
in production.
All materials assigned to
a batch need to be compared to the actual yields at appropriate pro- cess steps. On the basis of historical, validated data, an acceptable range for the actual yield at each appropriate stage can be calculated. By assigning an acceptable range at various
stages of the process, process control trends can be
generated. In addition to assessing the theoretical yield, cal- culating the acceptable product yield provides a better tool for evaluating process changes. Although
different lots of a batch could have identical theoretical yields, their
acceptable product yield could vary
widely, as for example in the case of waste. Without further examination of the
acceptable product yield percentages, investigation into potential problems
within a process
could theoretically be overlooked.
As required by the GMP
regulations, yield calculations involve reporting the following data/ calculations at each appropriate phase:
Actual yield (kg)
• % of theoretical yield = (actual yield/theoretical starting quantity) × 100
the percent acceptable product yield is not a GMP requirement, it provides
addi- tional information to alert personnel of potential process control
% acceptable product yield = ([acceptable product]/theoretical yield)
× 100.
All compounding and storage containers,
processing lines, and major equipment used during the production of a batch of a drug product
shall be properly
identified at all times to indicate their contents and, when necessary,
the phase of processing of the batch.
This requirement is clear
in requiring identification and traceability during production process.
Status labels or tags must always be attached to equipment, process
lines, and con- tainers
and provide information regarding its contents (product/material, batch number), the status of cleanliness (to be cleaned/clean), and process stage
(granulation). Multiple pieces
of equipment that are cleaned
and used in a train within a suite may have a status tag gener- ated
for the room, rather than for each individual piece of equipment. The use of equipment logbooks, in addition to status tags, can provide
a permanent record and additional support information (type of cleaning performed, time/date of cleaning, personnel responsible). This information is needed in cases whereby
a batch or process is under investigation.
In-process materials are
required to be labeled with the product, batch number, and stage of
processing, and if multiple containers
are used, sequentially numbered.
Major equipment shall be identified by a
distinctive identification number or code that
shall be recorded in the batch production record to show the specific
equipment used in the manufacture of
each batch of a drug product. In cases where only one of a particular type of equipment exists in a
manufacturing facility, the name of the equipment may be used in lieu of a distinctive identification number or
The intent of this subsection is to allow identification and traceability of equipment involved
in the production process.
This is particularly important where several different pieces of the same equipment
are used for the process,
as the same type of equipment does not ensure
that they will all process identically. In the case where
there is only one piece of equipment, it is sufficient to record the name of the equipment in the batch
§211.110 SAMPLING
To assure batch uniformity and integrity of drug products,
written procedures shall be established and followed, which describe the in-process controls,
and tests or examinations
to be conducted on appropriate samples of in-process materials of each batch. Such control procedures shall be established to monitor the output and to validate the performance of those
manufacturing processes that may be responsible for causing variability in the characteristics of
in-process material and the drug product. Such con- trol procedures shall include, but are not limited to, the
following, where appropriate:
Tablet or
capsule weight variation
Disintegration time
Adequacy of mixing to assure uniformity and homogeneity
Dissolution time and rate
Clarity, completeness, or pH of solutions
in-process specifications for such characteristics shall be consistent with drug prod-
uct final specifications and shall be derived from previous acceptable process average and process variability estimates where possible
and determined by the application of suitable statistical procedures where appropriate.
Examination and testing samples shall assure
that the drug product and in-process material
conform to specifications.
materials shall
be tested
for identity,
strength, quality,
and purity
as appropriate
and approved
or rejected
by the
quality control
unit, during
the production
process, for
example, at
commencement or
completion of
significant phases
or after
storage for
long periods.
Statistically sound sampling criteria
must be used to determine the variability of key product
parameters. These tools should be used in all stages of the production
system. A documented sampling plan,
approved by the Quality Unit needs to be in place and an acceptable quality
level (AQL) is assigned to each
defect type to ensure the safety and quality as established by product
performance and quality
requirements. Samples are representative of the whole, and sample locations or
time points in the process are
described or determined by the most stressed part of the process (e.g., beginning
or end of process).
Process validation is
performed to “establish(ed) and monitor the output and to validate the performance of those manufacturing processes that may be responsible for causing variability in the characteristics of in-process material and the drug
product.” The requirements for this validation are set out in 21 CFR Part 211.100 (a) which the FDA calls the regulatory “foundation for process validation.” Manufacturers are required
to have production and process-controls procedures in place that are “designed
to assure” drug products have a certain
level of quality
and that their products are manufactured safely, effectively, and purely.
In January 2011, FDA revised its
guidance for industry on Process Validation: General Principles and Practices. The guidance aligned
process-validation activities with the product life-cycle con- cept and with existing harmonized
guidelines. The guidance now defines process validation as “… the collection and evaluation of data,
from process design through commercial production, which establishes scientific evidence
that a process is capable
of consistently delivering quality products.” The activities involved
in process validation occur over the entire life cycle of a product
and can be divided into three (3) distinct stages.
Stage in Process design
The commercial manufacturing processes
are defined during Stage I, based on knowledge gained through development of the process, site transfer, and scale-up
activities. Process knowledge and understanding lead to the development of appropriate process
controls, which can be used to address
variability in the process. It is essential to understand the sources and impact of the variation to be able to detect the degree of variation in the process.
Control of the variation should be in proportion to the risk that it potentially presents to the process or product. The information gathered during
Stage I will be incorporated into the designed
manufacturing process and will then be confirmed Process design and development
represents the first stage of the process validation life cycle. In the case of product transfer
and scale-up, this stage begins
during the planning
of a site transfer and continues through
the verification of the manufacturing process at the transfer location. Site transfer and scale-up activities must be well
defined and documented. They should be based on knowledge gained
from other similar
processes and products
as well as from development reports generated by the originating site. Thorough documentation is needed in order to fully understand the process and all potential factors, which may impact it.
Process steps and
operating parameters are defined during the process design stage. The impact of process parameters and material
interactions on process performance and product quality must be evaluated. Initial identification of
Critical Process Parameters (CPPs) and material attributes are defined
based on data obtained during development.
The functionality and
limitations of commercial manufacturing equipment must also be considered in
the process design stage. Other factors to consider include the possible
contribution to variability that may
be caused by different production lots, production operators, environmental conditions, and measurement systems
in the production setting. Usually
all the input variability that is typical
of commercial production is not known at this stage. An assessment of the identified CPPs and material
attributes must be performed at each scale-up
step through commercial manufacturing in order to estimate process variability.
GMP documents need to be
defined before the process performance qualification (Stage II) can start.
A defined target
profile for the product will have been identified, with target settings, and will be adhered to in order to show process
consistency. A detailed assessment of product quality attributes and process
parameters to establish specifications will have been determined. Control
limits and ranges
will have been established and verified during
scale-up activities. Documentation including process flow diagrams with information regarding
critical set points, inputs, and the expected
outputs will be established. A risk assessment to select critical
process steps and parameters and to assess process
robustness and process
risk will have been performed, following local procedures or guidance. Master
manufacturing documentation will have been drafted by the process owner for use during commercial-scale process
performance qualification batches.
Stage ii—Process Performance Qualification
During this stage, the process design
is evaluated to determine if it is capable of reproducible results
during commercial manufacturing. There are numerous prerequisite
activities that must occur prior to
the actual process qualification. Process performance qualification, which is
equivalent to process validation, must be done according to a preapproved protocol, and sampling
is to be performed to a higher level than the normal quality
sampling of a batch. The approach to this stage should be based on an understanding of the process
and of sound scientific basis. The completion of Stage II is the
equivalent of reaching a “validated state” for
the process.
Number of Validation Batches
number of batches
required for validation must be scientifically justified, using statistical measures to achieve adequate assurance. Factors that affect the
number of batches required include the complexity of the
process and the level of process variability.
New products for launch or
transferred from another site may be validated with a minimum of three batches or via a matrix approach.
Other validated products
may be produced on the equipment in between the validation batches
for the new product. Until the three
consecutive validation batches
(or then number of batches defined in the protocol have been completed),
no additional batches of the new
product shall be manufactured.
If a validation study is
required involving a product with multiple dosage strengths, product sizes, and/or batch sizes, a bracketing or
matrixing approach may be utilized to address the entire product family. If this approach
is selected, it must be justified, documented, and approved.
Results from Stage II verifications
should include a successful process validation (PV) with an approved PV report and confirmation of all
proposed critical material attributes, critical quality attributes, critical process parameters, and in-process controls.
Risk assessments and process validation plans shall be updated
as applicable. Process
validation-related documentation, such as SOPs or
master batch records (MBRs), which were in draft form prior to the execution of
the PV will be revised, approved, and trained prior to release of
the process.
Stage iii—continued Process verification
Continued Process Verification
provides assurance that the manufacturing processes are in a continued state of
control during routine commercial production. A program is established to
collect and analyze product and
critical process data on a regular basis. Inter- and intra-batch variability must be evaluated in order to be able to
monitor process controls. Monitoring and sampling needs to be performed at the same level as during Stage II until there
is sufficient data to provide a level of
confidence that the process is in control and statistically-significant
variability estimates can be generated.
At that time, monitoring can be
adjusted based on data collected.
Annual review
of validation status is also an important
part of this process. Review of deviations, investigation results, product failures, complaints, and other
product performance and quality indicators shall be included as a component of the Continued Process
Verification program.
Annual Monitoring/Validation Batch
The validation status of a drug
product is regularly updated by performing at least one annual monitoring/validation batch, in alignment
with the annual product review (APR) cycle, as part of continuous process validation. If the process has been revalidated
during that year or the product was
not produced within that time period, the annual monitoring/validation batch is
not required. The annual
monitoring/validation batch must be included in the stability
If significant deficiencies are identified during
review of the current validation package, the need for complete revalidation must be assessed.
Change Control and Revalidation
changes to equipment, systems, utilities, processes, materials, specifications, methods,
and procedures must be assessed
for their impact
on the validated state and are subject
to the change control process.
A process may require
revalidation based on review of Continued Process
Verification data (e.g.,
due to an increase in variability) or due to a change in the process. When a process change is proposed, the extent of revalidation required, if any, must be based on an assessment of the impact of the change to the critical
quality elements of the process.
At a minimum, the following
must be considered:
Change of manufacturing or supporting processes
• Changes in the master manufacturing formula, procedure, or batch size
• Changes in validated
ranges of process parameters
• Raw materials, specifications, grade, reference standards, or test
• Changes to container
closure system
• Changes to equipment, instrumentation, or computerized systems or their maintenance
• Changes to facilities or utilities
Changes to the quality
system, including deviations, investigation results, product
failures, complaints, or
other quality indicators
Trends, for example, from Continued Process
Verification and Annual Product Reviews
Revalidation covers either the entire scope of the original validation or is limited
to specific process
parameters or steps, depending on the justification described in a validation protocol.
The impact of limiting the scope of revalidation with respect to its impact on other steps should be carefully assessed. Process assessment will include a review of the current process and its data, all historic validation and revalidation activities, and current
issues, as applicable. The process assessment report will summarize
recommendations for process
improvements, if required,
and further steps to be taken.
Process Validation Approach
There are three possible approaches to process validation: prospective, concurrent, and retrospective. Prospective validation must be applied
to new processes, including existing, approved processes transferred from other sites, and
process, material, or equipment
changes, under change control, as documented through the change control process.
Validation batches must be at the intended
commercial scale, utilizing
final process parameters on equipment to be used for commercial production. Prospective validation activities, including approval
of final reports,
must be complete prior to
commercial distribution of the final
Concurrent validation
involves release of product for commercial distribution prior to the completion
of all validation activities. This approach is acceptable only in exceptional
cases such as infrequent production (i.e., one or two batches
per year) or established processes that have not been validated to current standards. The rationale/justification for the approach
must be documented and
approved by Quality in advance. Batches may be released after approval of an interim
report. Concurrent validation may also be used for revalidation of legacy products
where there has been no change
from the current process.
Retrospective validation
involves the review of historical data and includes all batches made during a review period. This approach is
not acceptable for the validation of new products. New processes and changes to existing processes may not be
retrospectively validated. Retrospective validations
for existing (legacy) processes must be replaced with prospective validation
studies in order to meet current
standards and expectations.
appropriate, time limits for the completion of each phase of production shall
be established to assure the quality
of the drug product. Deviation from established time limits may be accept- able if such deviation does not compromise the quality of the drug product. Such deviation shall be
justified and documented.
The main purpose of this regulation is to indicate
that products need to remain
stable before processing to the next stage. Maximum
allowable hold times are established as part of a pilot plant study
or validation exercise
for starting materials, intermediates, and bulk and finished
products to ensure
materials are not adversely affected
by in-process or storage conditions. Hold-time studies establish the time limits for maintaining materials during different
stages of production to ensure the quality
of the product does not deteriorate over time. The containers used to hold the hold-time samples
need to simulate the
containers that are used in production, and in the case of bulk product, the
head- space needs to be in proportion to the bulk product stored
during manufacturing. The environmental conditions of the hold-time studies
should reflect the actual manufacturing conditions being tested. Products that are undergoing hold-time studies should
also be put up to long-term stability testing.
The determination of
maximum hold-time limits is critical where product is sensitive to environmental
conditions, as an example: moisture, oxidation, or microbial attack. In these
cases, it is critical that the
maximum allowable hold times be determined and clearly specified in the manufacturing
batch records. The batch record will then provide evidence through the
recording of date and time by the
operator that the product has not exceeded its time limitations as determined
in the validation study.
It is acceptable for validated time limits to be revisited and extended, as long as the subsequent validation studies show that
the product has remained stable, with no adverse impact to the quality,
safety, or efficacy of the drug product.
Appropriate written procedures, designed
to prevent objectionable microorganisms in drug products not required to be sterile, shall be
established and followed.
For most products other than injections and eye preparations, there is no need for sterility.
For these products, the presence of microorganisms could still constitute a
problem since certain microorganisms
are associated with human illness and must be absent. For example, oral suspensions and solutions
should be tested for freedom from Escherichia coli; products for topical application
should be tested for freedom from Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus.
Some products may also be
prone to microbial degradation resulting in loss of active ingredient or breakdown in physical
characteristics, such as emulsions. In such cases, it may be necessary to have
a specification for total viable microorganisms.
The USP 29 General Information Chapter <1111> Microbiological Examination
of Nonsterile Products: Acceptance Criteria
for Pharmaceutical Preparations and Substances for
Pharmaceutical Use addresses total plate
count criteria for bacteria and yeasts/molds.
In addition, it discusses evaluation of other microorganisms recovered in terms of
the following:
The use of the product (e.g., route of administration)
The nature of the product as it relates
to supporting growth
The method
of application
The intended
recipient (e.g., neonates,
infants, the debilitated)
The use of immunosuppressive agents
The presence
of disease, wounds, organ damage
The presence of certain microorganisms
in nonsterile preparations may have the potential to reduce or even inactivate the therapeutic activity of the
product and has a potential to adversely affect the health of the patient.
Chapter <1111> gives examples of total plate count limits as well as the absence of
certain microorganisms based on route
of administration. For example, as taken from
Table 6.1 in Acceptance Criteria
for Microbiological Quality
of Nonsterile Dosage Forms, the total plate
count criteria for nonaqueous preparations for oral use are less stringent than those for oromucosal use products.
The procedures and
conditions required to assure adequate microbial control will vary according
to the specific products but are likely to include some, or all, of the following:
monitoring of potentially susceptible raw materials. This may require special
negotiation with the supplier if a microbiological specification is not a
normal requirement for his other
customers. Current practices involve the setting of microbial specifications for materials of natural (animal,
vegetable, or mineral)
origin, those likely to support microbial growth, and
materials to be used in product formulations
with rigorous microbial specifications, such as
sanitation procedures that have been proven effective, especially for any specific
known deleterious or objectionable microorganisms.
Processing conditions that minimize the potential for microbial growth.
control including covers over equipment; laminar flow at susceptible points, wearing of protective clothing
such as gloves and masks, and clearing filling
lines at breaks.
Formulations to include preservatives.
![]() |
Although there may be a need for
limits for liquid products, especially aqueous products, there would seem to be less value for solid oral dosage
products. Microbial contamination has not been a problem except for products
involving materials of natural origin. The
USP General Information Chapter <1112> Application of Water Activity
Determination to Nonsterile Pharmaceutical Products addresses
water activity in relationship to Microbial Limit Testing
strategies. This chapter
notes that determination of water activity
of nonsterile pharmaceutical
dosage forms aids the decision-making process regarding optimized product formulations, susceptibility to
microbial contamination, frequency of microbial limit testing, etc. It points out that nonaqueous liquids and
dry solid dosage forms will not support microbial growth due to low water activity.
Appropriate written procedures, designed
to prevent microbiological contamination of drug products
purporting to be sterile, shall be established and followed. Such procedures shall include validation of any sterilization
Sterile products are manufactured using either terminal
sterilization or aseptic
processing. The level
of sterility assurance is significantly higher with terminal
sterilization; autoclaving at 121°C can result in a 10−6 microbial survivor
probability, whereas aseptic
processing tends to result in the order
of 10−3. Because of these significant differences in assurance
levels, terminal sterilization should be the method of choice. Some products
cannot withstand the temperature conditions of autoclaving, the ingredients may be heat labile or the package
may be physically affected by the pressure
changes (e.g., prefilled
syringes), and aseptic processing may then be necessary. A useful compromise
situation is a combination of aseptic processing with some level of heat treatment that could effectively kill off vegetative organisms without adversely affecting chemical stability or physical integrity.
The subject of aseptic processing versus heat sterilization or the compromise of aseptic plus some heat treatment can be very complex, especially
for those products
that have some degree of heat
lability. The possible permutations of temperature and time are almost
limitless. Also, the relative benefits/disadvantages of aseptic processing with low levels
of degradants and some heat treatment with
higher levels of sterility assurance but also higher
levels of degradants need to be evaluated.
Whichever process is used,
the probability of having a nonsterile unit will be extremely low. Consequently, assurance of sterility cannot be demonstrated by testing a limited number
of samples. For example, when sterility testing 10
units, lots with 0.1% contaminated units could be passed as sterile 99 out of 100 times. Increasing
the sample size to 100 still leaves a 91% chance of passing a contaminated batch. Also, if the
sample size is increased, the potential for false positives also increases. This then places a greater
emphasis on the need to validate the sterilization process and to ensure that the defined process is followed for every batch of product. The key parameters to be
evaluated for the different types of sterilization are outlined below;
whichever process is used, the same
basic steps outlined previously for process validation are also to be included:
product/ process design, equipment
qualification, services qualification, process performance, and revalidation. Validation of heat sterilization (dry heat or autoclave) includes:
He at distribution within the empty sterilization chamber
2. Heat penetration within the units of product for the various
loading cycles to be used
calculations based on the known numbers of resistant bacteria or spores killed, usually Geobacillus stearothermophilus spores placed in units that receive
the least heat treatment
data showing the numbers and types of organisms, with particular reference to resistivity, likely to result
from the components and the process
prior to sterilization
Perform studies
outside the ranges of conditions that will routinely be used for sterilization cycles
of product components and processing equipment to remove particulate matter,
sterilize, and depyrogenate are critical to effective aseptic processing. This
include ampoules, vials, stoppers,
filters, intermediate storage vessels, tubing, filling equipment, gowns,
masks, and gloves. The processes for each of
these must be validated.
Environmental qualifications must include:
a. Air quality.
At the point of use (e.g.,
filling), air should
be supplied by high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA)-filtered laminar
flow air at about 90 feet per minute and with a pressure differential to adjacent areas of different classification of at least 10–15 Pa with doors closed. Nonviable particle counts should be less than 100 per cubic foot equal to or larger than 0.5 μm (Class 100/grade A or ISO 5); viable particles should be not more than one colony forming unit per 10 cubic feet. Where an aseptic processing room is adjacent to an unclassified room, an overpressure of at least 12.5 Pa from the aseptic processing room should
be maintained according to the 2004 FDA Guidance for Industry—Sterile Drug Products
Produced by Aseptic Processing—Current Good Manufacturing Practice.
Away from the critical
filling area, where product is not exposed to the environment, less stringent requirements are necessary but must still be controlled in order to minimize
the bioburden load. The Class 100,000 (ISO 8) (not more than 100,000 particles per 0.5 μm or larger and
not more than 25 colony-forming units per 10
cubic feet) should be adequate. Air filter integrity and efficiency testing
should be included.
People. The presence of people in an area or room will have an
impact on air quality. The validation
study should include the maximum number of people expected to be present at any time during the process.
Other people-related activities to be examined
would be training
programs, especially with respect to microbiological understanding, aseptic techniques, and gowning
techniques. The effectiveness of these techniques can be evaluated by the use of swabs, contact plates, and touch plates.
Time limitations. Liquid preparations and wet components are prone to
microbial multiplication, including
the possibility of microorganisms passing through filters. Maximum time frames for key steps need to be confirmed.
d. Product filtration. The filtration system used to “sterilize” the drug product,
μm, should be challenged using
a suitable small
organism, usually Brevundimonas diminuta. The number of organisms
used in the challenge will be in excess of the
maximum bioburden levels measured in unfiltered solutions.
Media fills. The overall effectiveness of the aseptic process is then
validated using liquid media fills.
Initially, three
media fills are considered desirable.
According to the 2004 FDA Guidance for Industry, Sterile
Drug Products Produced by Aseptic Processing—Current
Good Manufacturing Practice, the starting point
for a media fill run size is 5000 to 10,000 units.
For production sizes
under 5000, the number of units
should be at least equal to the batch size.
Each shift and each employee used for aseptic
processing should be included in the media
to the guidance, the recommended criteria for assessing the state of aseptic
line control are as follows:
• When filling fewer
than 5000 units,
no contaminated units
should be detected.
One (1) contaminated unit is considered the cause for revalidation, follow-
ing an investigation.
• When filling from 5000 to 10,000 units:
One (1) contaminated unit should result
in an investigation, including con- sideration of a repeat media fill.
(2) contaminated units are considered the cause for revalidation, fol- lowing
• When filling
more than 10,000 units:
One (1) contaminated unit should result
in an investigation.
(2) contaminated units are considered the cause for revalidation, fol- lowing
Revalidation. As with any process,
revalidation should be considered whenever
there is a change in the product, components, process, facility,
equipment, or people. Additionally,
since the aseptic process is so people dependent, regular revalidation is essential. This routine revalidation should normally be performed every six months on each different type of process and for
each shift; every operator should be included in a revalidation at
least every 12 months.
The routinely collected data on
bioburden levels and environmental conditions will also serve to confirm that the process is being maintained under control.
The greatest potential
source of microbial contamination in an aseptic environment is people. The interaction of people and process is also not consistent. One way to significantly minimize
this potential microbial exposure and variability is to separate the
people from the process. Newer aseptic installations and upgrades are introducing barrier
technology. This technology maintains the environmental conditions around the product at Class 100 or better
while allowing personnel
access only by way of glove ports.
Consequently, there is no direct
interaction of people
and process. This approach greatly
enhances the potential
for sterility assurance—from about 10–3 to 10–5 or 10–6.
The 2004 FDA Guidance for Industry, Sterile Drug Products
Produced by Aseptic
Processing— Current Good Manufacturing Practice
discusses various aspects
of maintenance, design,
and monitoring of Aseptic
Processing Isolators in Appendix A and Blow-Fill-Seal Technology in Appendix B.
Another benefit of the use of barrier technology
is that the high-quality air needs to be supplied
only to the product operational area and not to the entire room.
process is used for the sterilization of components but not for products. Because of the inherent health hazards associated with the use of
ethylene oxide, its use is diminishing. Key parameters to be included
in the validation study include:
of temperature, ethylene oxide, and humidity
in the sterilization chamber
Penetration of gas and moisture of the material
to be sterilized
calculations based on the known numbers of resistant bacteria
or spores killed
Removal of ethylene oxide and ethylene
glycol residues
Gamma radiation using Cobalt-60 is
used for the sanitization and sterilization of many pharmaceutical raw
materials and products. Usually, these are solids or nonaqueous preparations
because water when irradiated generates
free radicals, which tend to cause degradation. Gamma radiation is easy to use since time is the only
variable once dosage has been established. There is also some evidence
that gamma irradiation can reduce endotoxin levels.
validation of a gamma irradiation sterilization process
involves three stages.
qualification evaluates the impact of radiation on the product. Three levels of radiation may be determined: (i) maximum
tolerated level—the highest dose that fails to
induce an unacceptable change in the product; (ii) maximum process
dose—based on the defined sterilizing
dose—to be applied and the highest level of exposure in any unit of product; (iii) minimum process dose—the
opposite of (ii). The optimum situation is for
maximum and minimum process values to be close but significantly lower
than the maxi- mum tolerated level.
Assessment of impact must
use real-time stability studies, since accelerated conditions may result in more rapid degeneration of
free radicals and give an impression of greater stability.
qualification is normally performed by the operator of the facility and should address design, installation, operation,
and maintenance.
Process qualification should include:
approach, of which there are three: (i) overkill, which usually involves radiation
doses in excess
of 25 kGy and can only be used for products that are radiation
stable; (ii) bioburden, which relies on a lower level of radiation based
on the known and constant bioburden
of the product; and (iii) species-specific, which uses an even lower radiation dosage and is particularly
useful for products with a low, nonresistant
bioburden such as
b. Dose distribution in the loads using well-defined loading patterns.
c. Biological
challenge using Bacillus pumilis.
d. Cycle interruption studies.
Written procedures shall be established
and followed prescribing a system for reprocessing batches that do not conform
to standards or specifications, and the steps
to be taken to ensure that the reprocessed batches will
conform to all established standards, specifications, and characteristics.
Reprocessing shall not be performed
without the review and approval of the quality
control unit.
Reprocessing is defined as the
introduction of a product or material back into a manufacturing process. This is an exception in a process
and must not be conducted
without first formally
investigating the issue.
The quality system,
which defines reprocessing steps, must be defined in approved written
procedures. If a proposal has been made to reprocess a material, the
decision must be documented by the Quality Unit in a deviation report
and an investigation performed. The reprocessing material
cannot be released until the investigation has been completed as defined
in the SOP and approved. Reprocessed
material must be supported by process validation and stability, as well as
being per- mitted by the product
license. If there is no existing supporting stability data, the batch must be
put on stability testing prior
to release. Release
testing must be performed for reprocessed products
and the need for additional
testing must be considered as the normal release standards will not necessarily be sufficiently robust to evaluate the reprocessed batch.
If the reprocessing
becomes a common recurrence, then the adequacy of the manufacturing process needs to be assessed and
appropriate improvements be taken.
processes used to manufacture your (b)(4) drug products have not been shown to
be consistent and reliable,
and consequently batches
of your drug products are likely to significantly vary in strength, quality, and purity.
FDA collected samples of your (b)(4) batch
#(b)(4) at the port of entry. FDA laboratory analysis found that your (b)(4) did not
contain any of the labeled active ingredient, (b)(4). FDA denied entry of the shipment accordingly
and notified your customer, (b)(4), which filed a complaint with you.
subsequent investigation into the customer complaint for batch #(b)(4) revealed
that, during (b)(4) of components,
you added the wrong ingredient, (b)(4), instead of the active ingredient.
restricted access to the microbial identification instrument. Further, you
lacked restricted access to the
external hard drive used for backup of this instrument. All users could delete
or modify files. In your response,
you commit to limit access to the system and external hard drive. However, your response is
inadequate because you did not provide a retrospective risk assessment of the impact
and scope of inadequate system
controls at your firm.
master batch records lacked a statement of theoretical yield, percentage of
theoretical yield, and statements of limits beyond
which an investigation is required. Without
calculating theoretical
yield, you may be missing important indications of possible error throughout
your manufacturing process.
In January
2013, multiple in-process and finished product
batches of xxxxxx
USP failed to meet release specification for (b)(4).
Failure to meet (b)(4) specifications may reduce the effectiveness of products administered as nasal sprays. You
rejected these batches and cor- responding
finished products and undertook an investigation into the (b)(4) failures. Your investigations (b)(4) and (b)(4) stated
that “the root cause can be attributed to the raw mate- rial... (b)(4)...” but offered no further explanation for the failures
and did not specify the basis for your
these investigations, you began manufacturing (b)(4). However, you have never revalidated your manufacturing process
to account for the variability in your finished
product that you initially attributed to (b)(4).
(b)(4) used in solid (b)(4) dosage form manufacturing were held for excessive
periods during commercial batch
manufacturing without adequate hold-time studies or scientific jus- tification. For example, in many
instances, bulk (b)(4) for multiple drug products were held for longer than (b)(4), including some
held significantly beyond (b)(4). Despite these exces- sive (b)(4) hold times, you released the (b)(4) for (b)(4), and rarely placed
the finished product
batches in your stability program.
Your smoke studies do not support your assertion
that you maintain unidirectional airflow
for all aseptic operations. At times, the smoke volume was too low to
accurately demonstrate airflow. You did not inject the smoke in areas that showed the effects of operator interventions on the unidirectional air stream. These smoke studies do not
demonstrate that your line is designed
to prevent microbiological contamination, or to provide high assurance of
product sterility.
were no SOPs for the QA investigations of product failures, laboratory failure
investi- gations, and stability
FDA Guidance
for Industry: Q8(2)
Pharmaceutical Development. Rockville, MD, U.S. Dept.
of Health and Human Services, May 2009.
FDA Guidance
for Industry: Q8, Q9, and Q10 Questions
and Answers (R4), November 2011.
FDA Guideline
on General Principles of Process Validation, January 2011.
Draft Guidance for Industry: Powder Blends and Finished Dosage Units—Stratified In-Process Dosage Unit Sampling and Assessment, November 2003.
Guideline on Sterile Drug Products Produced by Aseptic Processing, September 2004.
Agalloco JP, Carlton FJ. Validation
of Pharmaceutical Processes Sterile Products. 2nd ed. 1998.
AH, Nash RA. Pharmaceutical Process
Validation. 3rd ed. New York, Marcel Dekker, 2003.
Subchapter 490 Validation Sec. 490.100 Process
Validation Requirements for Drug Products
Subject to Pre-Market Approval (CPG7132C.08) Issued:
8/30/93, Revised: 03/12/2004.
Subchapter 420 Compendial/Test Requirements Sec. 420.100 Adulteration of Drugs Under Section 501(B) And 501(C) of The Act
[Direct Reference Seizure Authority for Adulterated
Drugs Under Section 501(B)] (CPG 7132A.O3) Issued: 6/20/85, Reissued: 9/4/87,
• PIC/S Recommendation on the Validation of Aseptic Processes, January 2011.
13408-1:2008 Aseptic processing of health-care products—Part 1: General
require- ments (parts 2–8 also deal
with aseptic processing).
PDA Technical Report No. 28 Process Simulation Testing for Sterile
Bulk Pharmaceutical Chemicals, January 2006.