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Textbook of Forensic Pharmacy CK Kokate SB Gokhale pdf free download

Textbook of Forensic Pharmacy CK Kokate SB Gokhale 

Textbook of Forensic Pharmacy CK Kokate SB Gokhale

As a teacher of Forensic Pharmacy for more than three decades at the Bombay College of Pharmacy, Mumbai and University College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kakatiya University, Warangal, I have developed passion for learning more about the Regulations, Associations and their activities, as well as, ethical boundaries of our noble and sacred profession. This profession gives us one time opportunity in our lives to serve the cause of humanity by making our humble contributions to the health care system of the country.

During my tenures as President, Pharmacy Council oflndia; Member, Drugs Technical Advisory Board; Executive Committee Member, All India Council for Technical Education and Chairman, All India Board of Pharmacy AICTE, I was associated with most of the Statutory Bodies governing and regulating profession of pharmacy in the country. I had good opportunity of interacting with different segments of our profession and policy-makers of the country. I had an access to the write-ups of professional meetings, deliberations and amendments to Acts for several years. It is with this strength of confidence backed by my teaching experience of several years, I have ventured to write this book on ForensicPharmacy with my colleague and trusted friend Prof. S.B. Gokhale for the benefit of students of degree and diploma classes in pharmacy. The book is written in simple and lucid manner with understandable interpretation of various Acts and Rules, without diluting overall impact of the subject.

The text of Forensic Pharmacy is ever-changing and our efforts were to add commas to the text of the subject thus, facilitating free flow of the knowledge oflegal principles regulating our profession.The historical milestones of various pharma-events and salient features of different Acts and Rules pertaining to profession are integral component of the text. The students of pharmacy, we are sure, will find contents of the book interesting and educative.

We thank management of Pharma Book Syndicate especially, Mr. Anil Shah for his efforts in publishing this book.

General Introduction

The word Forensic is derived from Latin term Forencis means a forum, a place for interaction or deliberations. Jurisprudence means study offundamentallaws and in case of pharmaceutical Jurisprudence, it is laws relating to pharmacy.

Forensic Pharmacy or Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence is that branch of pharmacy, which deals with various legislations pertaining to, drugs and pharmaceuticals and profession of pharmacy. This subject encompasses the knowledge ofvariOl~s Acts, Rules, Statues, Schedules, Sections etc., which directly or indirectly infiuet]cc the profession of pharmacy in the country and variolls operations pertaining to procw·ement. manufacture and gistribution of different kinds of dosage forms.

History of Drug Legislation and Pharmacy Profession in India

During 1920-1930 there were number of reports ofharmful substitutes and adulterants being marketed in place of genuine drugs and toxic effects of such drugs were published in Indian press from time to time. According to reports of Indian Medical Gazette during this period, there was absolutely no control over the manufacturing, sale and distribution of drugs in India. Several deaths were reported due to spurious drugs. In place of eye drops, croton oil was used. Chalk powder was frequently found to be used for adulteration of drug formulations. There were toxicity reports due to overdose of mercury compounds. In the absence of effective Acts and Rules related to drugs and pharmaceuticals in the country, there was a rat race for manufacturing of sub-standard, spurious
and adulterated formulations.

Pharmaceutical Ethics

Pharmacy is a noble and sacred profession committed to the cause of health care of human beings. The pharmacist is a vital link between the doctor and the patient. He is charged with the responsibility of providing professional services of high order to the community at large by ensuring production of Quality Medicine and their sale and distribution to the consumers.

The pharmaceutical Ethics encompasses the code of moral principles or the science of morals which is concerned with human character. The pharmacist of today is a drub-maker, drug-dispenser, drug-custodian, patient-counsellor, drug-researcher and drug-educator and above all a honest and patriotic citizen. The techno-professional background of the pharmacist gives himlher the confidence of providing services with ethical approach to the satisfaction of patients. The sacred values are required to be cherished and professed by the pharmacist.


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