Standard Operating Procedure of Calibration of Pressure Gauges, Timers & Temperature Controller, Recorder etc. is describe in this post.
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1. Purpose:
1.1. To establish a method for calibration of pressure gauges, timers, temperature controller / recorder etc installed on different equipments in all departments.
2. Scope:
2.1. This procedure establishes the method to be used for calibration of pressure gauges, timers, temperature controller / recorder etc installed on different equipments in all departments at Pharmaceuticals.
3. Responsibilities:
3.1. Quality Assurance Manager
3.2. Maintenance Incharge.
3.3. QA Officer
4. Procedure:
4.1. Pressure gauges, timers & temperature controller / recorders are calibrated as per plan (F-09-02). The master list (F-09-01) includes these instruments / gauges.
4.2. In-house & calibration by external source is done/
4.3. External Calibration arranged by QC Manager through authorized external source & certificate of Calibration is maintained on record.
4.4. Instruments / Gauges performing within specified range are labeled with calibration stickers.
4.5. Engineering/ Maintenance department coordinates with QA Incharge to implement calibration plan and concerned department maintains record of in-house Calibration.
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